Workshops & Events
5/3 *Reiki Level II Training
with Sally
Friday, May 3
For level I certified reiki practitioners, this training attunes you to a higher frequency of reiki energy, enabling you to work hands on, use the reiki 2 symbols, as well as mantras. Sally will discuss and demonstrate how to conduct a reiki session, communication relating to clients, ethics, and experimental practice.
Upon completion of reiki two, participants will be able to begin practicing professionally. Each participant will receive a detailed reiki manual and a medicine bag.
5/11 *FREE 1 year celebration community class! with Sally + Kyra Marie
Saturday, May 11 9:00am
It's our Birthday! BESOUL Wildwood Crest is turning 1 🎉
We are so grateful for our community and want to share a FREE fun class, fusion of yoga + meditation, sound healing and tea party!
Class time is 1 hr, immediately following with a social tea party hang :)
5/23 *Breathe with Amanda
Thursday, May 23rd 6:30pm
In this breathwork class you will experience a journey combining movement, varied breathing patterns, and guided meditation to drop you out of the mind and into the body.
It is an impactful experience that can deepen connection to self, clear your mind, reduce stress, release emotions and expand awareness.
This 90 minute practice will be guided by Amanda Curley, Elemental Rhythm Facilitator.
5/26 *Breath, Yoga, and Ice Bath Workshop
with Brooke and James
Sunday, May 26th 11:00am
Exploration through movement, breath, and cold exposure. After party hang with music + spirits!
Leaders Brooke Carrero and Jim DiBella are coming to BESOUL to take you through an all levels vinyasa practice, WHM breathing techniques, and cold exposure through a guided ice bath.
During the workshop you’ll experiment with the chemistry of your body, mind, and spirit. Come as you are, try something new!
Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.
6/9 *Reiki Level 1 Training
with Sally
Sunday, June 9 10:30am
This certification course is for those interested in learning the healing benefits of reiki, how to create a personal home practice, and how reiki self-treatment is a way to benefit from the therapy in your own home.
Participants will learn how reiki can be used as a meditative practice that promotes a positive mental state, reduces stress and anxiety, and promotes relaxation. I will discuss the history of reiki, how to work with the chakra system + reiki, and the reiki principles.
7/12 + 7/13 *The Art of Hands on Assists
with Kristen Watson Geering
Friday, 7/12 12-pm
Saturday 7/13 12-5pm
Kristen will be sharing her deep wisdom with us! This two day, 10 hour training is open to yoga teachers who would like to hone their skills in further developing "hands on assists," as well as students who are interested in deepening their knowledge of asana and their practice through the lens of assisting.
Friday's session will involve: Introduction to assists, Surya A, Standing Poses, Forward bends + hips, inversions.
Saturday's session will involve: Surya B, Standing Poses, Backbends + Twists, Inversions.
Please bring along lunch/snack for this 5hr training.
Any additional questions please email